Our experience includes a wide variety of commercial transactions ranging from routine operational matters to critical and strategic relationships and outsourcing services. Collectively, we handle hundreds of contracting matters each year.
We frequently advise on technology and intellectual property, serving both the companies providing and/or procuring products and services.
Development Agreements
- From work-for-hire, to joint-development efforts
Channel-Partner Agreements
- From OEM and VAR relationships with complex IP considerations, to the more standard
Unique Product License and User Agreements
- From license and subscription agreements, to complex services agreements, to TOS for websites and mobile applications
Procurement Contracts
- From back-end accounting and HR software offerings, to software that supports customer-facing functions and critical business logistics
Complex, Long-Term Outsourcing
- From the RFP stage all the way through negotiation of definitive transaction documents
Elements of our clients' businesses span the globe, so we’re adept at navigating contracting customs and unfamiliar expectations in new geographies and industries.